Dick has known Galen Heatherly for the past 48 YEARS!!! They were in Indian Guides together, but really connected in High School - 40 years ago!! Galen, wife Wendy, daughters Danika (21) and Kara (18) have been very supportive and loving to us and we treasure their friendship! Since the girls were home from Whitworth for the week, they all decided to take a mini vacation to SF!! We've been enjoying each other's ANTICS for the past few days, sightseeing, and lovin' the time together!
Galen and Dick played golf at Harding Park on Tuesday while the girls hopped on the cable car, took it down to Union Square, went shopping for SHOES - what else is there to shop for? LOL!
No, did not buy these....just had to take a picture for the PRICEY price!!
Gotta love the GIRLIE shops around Union Square! Zebra floors and pink fur on the walls!

The collection of rings!!! Very cute costume jewelry!! Yup, an Amy and Tiffany store!
We had lunch at Lefty's, rode the elevator of the St. Francis hotel a few times, TRIED to go to the Carnelion Room on the 52 floor of the B of A building but it did not open until 3 pm - NOTE TO SELF!! So, we walked through the financial district, through China Town and caught the cable car back down to The Wharf. We had an ice cream at Ghiradelli's, drove by the Painted Ladies, Mrs. Doubtfire's house, Taylor's school, Pacific Heights and home again.
We met up with the guys and went to dinner before the Heatherlys caught their cab to WICKED!
We went to Barney's for dinner. Of course, we had to "Make the sign of the pyramid!" for Wendy's sake! hahaha
The guys enjoyed their time on the course - as much as they could have anyway....... That is why the idea of golf is unappealing to me - When do you ever hear of GREAT days? hmm, I'll stick to running and swimming! haaha
This morning we drove over the GGB to Sausilito, walked around, saw crabs on the rocks, did some window shopping, looked at SF through the FOG!!! Not a clear day.... :( But, then drove to Twin Peaks - still foggy, through Castro, down Lombard St and dropped them off at Pier 39 so they could grab some lunch.
Dick and I came home because I had a meeting at the Apple Store and he had to pick Taylor up from school.
When we purchased the Mac, I signed up for unlimited 'One to One' with the experts. Make and appointment, sit with your laptop and ask anything you want and you will be taught!! I LOVE my MAC! One question I had was 'How do I 'clean up' this computer to keep it working at its optimum capacity?' Window users must defrag, empty, delete, clean-up, etc.... I was never told how to do this with the Mac! Well, the Mac was designed to take care of all of that ITSELF!!! It is configured to 'JOURNAL' information and keep its own self running clean! OK, I love it! Easy enough!!
The meetings are 50 minutes each and the 'teacher' is so kind and PATIENT!! I learned a few 'short cuts', how to increase my Internet speed, and organized my Mail Boxes!
I was walking home and met up with Dick, Taylor and Gabby coming home from school! Upon our arrival, The Heatherlys just finished loading their car so we all walked over to the Palace of Fine Arts to wrap up the 'TOUR'.
Now the Heatherly's are making their trek back to Visalia, Taylor and Dick are studying for a Science test and Gabby and I just finished some work in the garden.
Thank you to the Heatherly's for a GREAT time! We enjoyed ALL OF IT! We are so happy our schedules FINALLY matched so we were able to make it all happen!! Love you guys!
Saying "Come Back Heatherly's!!" in front of our home.