Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Just occurred to me....

I don't get it.....
Weathermen (and woman) aka meteorologists, have been giving us information about weather for a loooong time now.  Technology in the weather field has increased dramatically over the years with satellites and such.
So, HIS JOB is to give us information about the future of the weather patterns. Period. I understand a weatherman he is not always the GATHERer of the information, only the presenter.....but, we as the public do not have anyone else to blame or complain to, other than the weatherman presenting us with the information.
Anyway, it occurred to me is this guy, doing his job of presenting the weather. That is HIS JOB! Well, when the information is soooooooo incorrect, how is he held accountable? 

I cannot imagine, in any job I have had, that I could still get a paycheck for LYING about my ONE project that is given to me!

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