Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Monday, July 26, 2010
Inside the 'Museum' at the Club. Lots of memorabilia!
Paul and Dick
31st U.S. Senior Open Championship held at the Sahalee Country Club in Sammamish, Washington - Seattle area. Dick's Kindergarten friend Paul Sell, is the current President of this prestigious club. He and his sweet wife Katie invited us to stay at their summer house - located on Lake Sammamish - and attend the event with them. GIDDY-UP!!
We flew into Seattle, rented a car and enjoyed 4 days of GOLF, golf and more golf. Most of you know, I wasn't raised around the sport but have come to love and appreciate the history and more importantly the courteous, polite, conduct of the players and all who are affiliated. Also, spending time out doors, among the beautifully manicured landscaping in the quiet, peaceful atmosphere ain't half bad!
It really is a beautiful Club!
Lots of autographs!
Bernhard Langer
The week before he won the Senior British Open
Dick and Loren were at CalPoly together. He seemed happy to see Dick and stopped and chatted with us for awhile. He is always very nice.
Watching Loren Roberts at the Practice Range.
Scoping out the hole.
Ready to drive it.
Nice one Loren!
Since this was my first 'professional' experience on a golf course, there were SO MANY rules that us 'spectators' need to know!
Better pay attention to this guy!
Hands up means voices off!
Practice rounds are so relaxed.
Laughing, talking and joking around with each other.
Love it.
Police escorts for the big guys!
Practice your putting Walrus! ;-)
Nice hole markers!
We walked the course on Tuesday and Wednesday - both practice days. Thursday was the REAL DEAL and everyone had their 'A' game face on!! They had 'work' to do and they were going to do it. There was a totally different 'feel' to the course - glad we went to both practice days!!
In the evenings, we were able to enjoy some FUN times with the Sells.
Wednesday Night:
Off to the races! Horses that is!
Taken from our seats, in the air-conditioning,
enjoying dinner, AT the finish line!
The view from my seat - Mt. Rainer!
No photoshop here! Beautiful colors of sunset!
Thursday Night:
Boating on Lake Sammamish! Quite the sailors this Sell Family! We had 'dinner' out in the middle of the lake - crackers, wine, fruit, cheese and more wine! PERFECT! So peaceful and a sweet ending to our 4 days of paradise!!
What a great opportunity! Thanks again to the Sells for their warm hospitality - as always. We always enjoy spending time with you all!

Here is a map that shows Lake Sammamish in conjunction with other well known Washington cities and lakes.

A TOUR.....

.....of AT & T Park!!
Something that has been on 'the list' for a long time! The park gives tours EVERY DAY, except when games are scheduled! So, a free Saturday with Tay, let's go!
The $12.50 tour covers: Indoor Batting Cages

The Visitor's Clubhouse
I think Tay is enjoying this tour!!

The Press Box
Now Dad is enjoying it too!!
The HOT SEAT - KNBR Radio announcer seat!
He looks pretty comfortable!

Yea, I'd say this is a pretty good seat!

The Luxury Suite was also on the list of treats to view. Only $20,000 PER game, excluding food and beverages! Couldn't really get a good photo.

Afterwards we topped the day off with a fitting lunch at Lefty O'Doul's!

If you are a Giant's fan, make this happen. The tour guide was informative and entertaining.

Birthday Month!!

My beautiful children!
Andrew 23, Amy 27
Two of my most precious blessings!
Love this pic!
Upon our return from our cruise - it was BIRTHDAY TIME!! Thanks to my wonderful hubs, he spoils me - even more than usual - for my birthday! I know, I am blessed and a very lucky lady!

To me, true happiness is spending time with the ones I love. So thankful that Amy flew up from HB, and Andrew, Erika and Kaelyn all came up to SF to celebrate. Unfortunately, it was not a Taylor weekend - or we would have ALL been able to be together - we'll hope for next year.
Here are some pics of our time together.
Lots and lots of hugs, laughter and goofin' around!
Amy has a natural talent for catching the moment! HAPPINESS!!
We took Kaelyn to her first movie in the theatre! TOY STORY 3! She was so good and was able to make it through the first 20 minutes, then slept the rest of the time. Glad we grabbed the Kleenex before going! Oh my!! GREAT movie and highly recommended!! Andrew especially loved Toy Story and the characters as a child. It was very touching to watch it with him, watching on the big screen - Andy growing up - and looking over at MY Andrew (and Amy) growing up before my eyes. Too much at times to grasp.
In her seat at the theatre!
Best moments. Hugging me after waking up from a nap = melting heart.
Hearts were filled!

We took Amy to one of our favorite spots for dinner - Spenger's in Berkeley. We took her to the airport then went on our way to Oakland for the Carole King and James Taylor concert! Never a dull moment!!
About 6 months ago, we were traveling in the car, listening to our James Taylor CD. I made the comment that I would really like to see him in concert. I thought it would be a real easy-going, and awesome concert to attend - just sit and listen to him sing to me! Then, POOF! On tour!! We had GREAT seats and fell in love all over again with both of them. James was singing his songs a little slower than normal but still as sweet as ever. I enjoyed the interaction between the two. They seem to genuinely love each other, after all these years.
I will NEVER forget when Carole King sang, "You make me feel like a woman". The crowd went crazy and she sang it as if it was her first live performance! The other memorable highlight was the LAST song of the night, and one of my favorites - 'How Sweet It Is' (to be loved by you) by James - Dick and I held each other and danced - the ONLY dancers in the place - it was awesome and a treasured moment - Happy Birthday to ME!!
My camera couldn't take a good photo.....but this isn't too bad.

Friday, October 22, 2010

2nd Formal Night and our FAVORITE part of the trip!!

We were the HAPPIEST table and Paola and Villegas
were sooooo sad to see us leave.
Paola, Dave, Janet, Dick, Me and Villegas.
Lots of yelling and happiness in the air.... Presenting the Baked Alaska!!
Janet feelin' the excitement!!
Everyone twirl it!!
What a presentation!!!
What a trip!!
The next morning was the most exciting. This was the CLIMAX of the trip!!! The Hubbard Glacier! It is the largest tidewater glacier on the North American continent. It is 76 miles from its source in the Yukon. It is the longest tidewater glacier in Alaska and first mapped in 1895.

At 7:00 a.m. on July 15, 2010 we were out on the deck of the ship. We were getting closer to the glacier!! The naturalist was on the loud speaker describing facts about the glacier, telling everyone to come out of their rooms and experience the clarity of the day and the calm of the sea. He said they have never had better conditions!
The Glacier is in the background.
Magical moments. I will never forget it!!
LOVE having a photo when it speaks volumes.
This is one.
We were able to get REALLY close! No zoom on this one!
Only small chunks of ice in the water.
No 'Titanic' fear here.
Zoomed in!
Check out that BLUE!!!
Truly the MOST eerie sound I have ever experienced - even more than a bad thunder storm in Michigan....the sound of the ice breaking, crackling, then tumbling down into the water is one thing I will never forget. We were looking through binoculars and watched the tumble. The ice was so heavy, when it fell into the water, it created a HUGE wave!!! Glad we were not any closer!!
What a SPECTACULAR ending to a marvelous vacation. I am thankful we went from South to North, leaving this event for the ending. This ship also runs North to South and this event would take place on Day 2. We HIGHLY recommend saving this event till the end.
After staring at the glacier for awhile, and getting FREAKED out every time we heard a chunk hit the water, the ship slowly made a U-turn out of the bay and we traveled non-stop to Seward.
Dick and I went for a run on the treadmills in the gym since it was too cold to run on deck. A few times we had to be careful because we were experiencing the most shifting on the ship than we ever had since we were going farther out into the ocean.
This was our route!
Starting in Vancouver.
Not sure if I mentioned yet we were on Celebrity Cruise Line on the Millennium ship. It holds 1950 passengers and 999 crew! That is a GREAT ratio if you ask me!! We really were treated with so much respect and courtesy the ENTIRE time. Our rooms were immaculate and we never had a complaint. Here is a combination of the different 'Origami' towels were presented throughout the week.
Wrong camera setting, but you get the drift.
Still haven't figured out the setting. Sorry.
When we opened our door, this was STARING at us! FREAKY!!
The last night!
I loved his butt!! hahaha!!
What an amazing adventure! A dream come true!! After looking at the photos, and experiencing this trip again by blogging, it brought back so many extra fond memories at times getting goosebumps!! I clearly recall singing in my head, "So somewhere in my youth or childhood, I've must have done something good." To be blessed with this experience - and so many others, I tend to just shake my head in wonder, pretty overwhelming at times, bringing tears of joy!! Dick and I will never forget the unity we felt as a couple, experiencing such an adventure together, enjoying some MUCH NEEDED R & R ...... at the same time, building our bond with David and Janet too.
Bottom line: If anyone EVER asks you to go on a trip to Alaska with them, say YES and make it Celebrity!! Thank you to Janet and David for asking us to be a part of their life in such a special way!!

Only 2 more days :-(

I did not want the trip to end. I wished airplanes were not invented and we could ONLY cruise!! I never had the feeling of, "OK, time to go home." Traveling with David and Janet was great! They are beautiful people with hearts of honesty, love and respect. A GREAT combination if you ask us!! As I said before, I had never been on a cruise, but I am SOLD!!! We were NOT out in the open ocean, we were on the inside passage, and we hear that makes a difference with the smoothness of the ride. We really enjoyed the fact that you can relax OR be active - up to US!!! Food was amazing, staff was A1!!! Now I want to cruise the Caribbean!!

First thing in the morning, we met with David and Janet to begin our excursion - Chilkoot Trail Hiking and Rafting. Another GREAT tour guide that told us all of the stories we'd ever want to know about this trail. Pretty amazing part of our history. If you want to read about some BIG adventures, google this trail and check out the photos online. We just did 3 miles of this 33 mile hike. Thankfully, we had PERFECT weather!!! There were only a few pesky mosquitoes after we were hiking awhile. We sprayed ourselves, put our hats on and were fine.
By George, I believe we are in a rain forest!!! BEAUTIFUL!!
The underside of a VERY dangerous, thorny leaf!! Do NOT touch this!! Darn it that I cannot recall the name of this plant. :-(
Lions and Tigers and BEARS!!!!! OH MY!!!!! Well, at least we saw some bear skat!!
Caterpillars made their cocoons!!
We chose Trailhead!
Crossing a little bridge.
That there is glacier water!!
Our 'chariot' awaits!
Getting ready! Prepare for take off!
Dick made it in the raft!! WOOT WOOT!!
Looking good Janet and Dave!!

We're cruising!!
WHEW! We made it back on land!!
I gotta get Dick some boots like these!!
We had a few minutes, so our guide took us to a look out point at the port.

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