My beautiful children!
Andrew 23, Amy 27
Two of my most precious blessings!
Love this pic!
To me, true happiness is spending time with the ones I love. So thankful that Amy flew up from HB, and Andrew, Erika and Kaelyn all came up to SF to celebrate. Unfortunately, it was not a Taylor weekend - or we would have ALL been able to be together - we'll hope for next year.
Here are some pics of our time together.
Lots and lots of hugs, laughter and goofin' around!
Amy has a natural talent for catching the moment! HAPPINESS!!
We took Kaelyn to her first movie in the theatre! TOY STORY 3! She was so good and was able to make it through the first 20 minutes, then slept the rest of the time. Glad we grabbed the Kleenex before going! Oh my!! GREAT movie and highly recommended!! Andrew especially loved Toy Story and the characters as a child. It was very touching to watch it with him, watching on the big screen - Andy growing up - and looking over at MY Andrew (and Amy) growing up before my eyes. Too much at times to grasp.
In her seat at the theatre!
Best moments. Hugging me after waking up from a nap = melting heart.
Hearts were filled!
We took Amy to one of our favorite spots for dinner - Spenger's in Berkeley. We took her to the airport then went on our way to Oakland for the Carole King and James Taylor concert! Never a dull moment!!
About 6 months ago, we were traveling in the car, listening to our James Taylor CD. I made the comment that I would really like to see him in concert. I thought it would be a real easy-going, and awesome concert to attend - just sit and listen to him sing to me! Then, POOF! On tour!! We had GREAT seats and fell in love all over again with both of them. James was singing his songs a little slower than normal but still as sweet as ever. I enjoyed the interaction between the two. They seem to genuinely love each other, after all these years.
I will NEVER forget when Carole King sang, "You make me feel like a woman". The crowd went crazy and she sang it as if it was her first live performance! The other memorable highlight was the LAST song of the night, and one of my favorites - 'How Sweet It Is' (to be loved by you) by James - Dick and I held each other and danced - the ONLY dancers in the place - it was awesome and a treasured moment - Happy Birthday to ME!!
My camera couldn't take a good photo.....but this isn't too bad.
1 comment:
That was a hecka fun weekend huh? Toy Story 3 was wayyyy to freaking sad though...I still can't believe I shed a few tears. Blah!
i love my baby!!!!
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