We were the HAPPIEST table and Paola and Villegas
were sooooo sad to see us leave.
Lots of yelling and happiness in the air.... Presenting the Baked Alaska!!
Janet feelin' the excitement!!
Everyone twirl it!!
What a presentation!!!
What a trip!!
The next morning was the most exciting. This was the CLIMAX of the trip!!! The Hubbard Glacier! It is the largest tidewater glacier on the North American continent. It is 76 miles from its source in the Yukon. It is the longest tidewater glacier in Alaska and first mapped in 1895.
At 7:00 a.m. on July 15, 2010 we were out on the deck of the ship. We were getting closer to the glacier!! The naturalist was on the loud speaker describing facts about the glacier, telling everyone to come out of their rooms and experience the clarity of the day and the calm of the sea. He said they have never had better conditions!
The Glacier is in the background.
Magical moments. I will never forget it!!
LOVE having a photo when it speaks volumes.
This is one.
We were able to get REALLY close! No zoom on this one!
Only small chunks of ice in the water.
No 'Titanic' fear here.
Zoomed in!
Check out that BLUE!!!
Truly the MOST eerie sound I have ever experienced - even more than a bad thunder storm in Michigan....the sound of the ice breaking, crackling, then tumbling down into the water is one thing I will never forget. We were looking through binoculars and watched the tumble. The ice was so heavy, when it fell into the water, it created a HUGE wave!!! Glad we were not any closer!!
What a SPECTACULAR ending to a marvelous vacation. I am thankful we went from South to North, leaving this event for the ending. This ship also runs North to South and this event would take place on Day 2. We HIGHLY recommend saving this event till the end.
After staring at the glacier for awhile, and getting FREAKED out every time we heard a chunk hit the water, the ship slowly made a U-turn out of the bay and we traveled non-stop to Seward.
Dick and I went for a run on the treadmills in the gym since it was too cold to run on deck. A few times we had to be careful because we were experiencing the most shifting on the ship than we ever had since we were going farther out into the ocean.
This was our route!
Starting in Vancouver.

Not sure if I mentioned yet we were on Celebrity Cruise Line on the Millennium ship. It holds 1950 passengers and 999 crew! That is a GREAT ratio if you ask me!! We really were treated with so much respect and courtesy the ENTIRE time. Our rooms were immaculate and we never had a complaint. Here is a combination of the different 'Origami' towels were presented throughout the week.
Wrong camera setting, but you get the drift.
Still haven't figured out the setting. Sorry.
When we opened our door, this was STARING at us! FREAKY!!
The last night!
I loved his butt!! hahaha!!
What an amazing adventure! A dream come true!! After looking at the photos, and experiencing this trip again by blogging, it brought back so many extra fond memories at times getting goosebumps!! I clearly recall singing in my head, "So somewhere in my youth or childhood, I've must have done something good." To be blessed with this experience - and so many others, I tend to just shake my head in wonder, pretty overwhelming at times, bringing tears of joy!! Dick and I will never forget the unity we felt as a couple, experiencing such an adventure together, enjoying some MUCH NEEDED R & R ...... at the same time, building our bond with David and Janet too.
Bottom line: If anyone EVER asks you to go on a trip to Alaska with them, say YES and make it Celebrity!! Thank you to Janet and David for asking us to be a part of their life in such a special way!!
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