So, yes, we LOVE baseball......being so close to Fenway, really was a MUST DO - to be added to this trip.....Dick has been a BIG fan as some of you know, he was also a pretty good pitcher in his day - up until he was 12 - 13, before Golf took over his life. I LOVE the sport, even though I've never played a game of it in my life and would be HORRIBLE at it if I did.....Taylor is a HUGE baseball fan. He especially loves to play it for his school. He truly loves the sport, keeps tab on his players and teams, and especially loves the GIANTS! In fact, he loves them so much, he isn't interested in visiting ANY OTHER ball park than AT & T Park!!
But, we convinced him that FENWAY was a MUST! We took our first SUBWAY trip. We used my iPhone to tell us where to go. We arrived, pretty unfamiliar with how to do this.....a nice man that worked the window helped us out and we were on our way.
Dick looking a little apprehensive about this sort of transportation....
Taylor, digging it!
The subway was a pretty popular place, with many others heading over to the game! I swear we were riding next to Youkilis!! hahah!! Seriously, the guy looked JUST LIKE HIM!!! Upon arriving, you can FEEL the baseball in the air. After Dick and Taylor purchased their Boston Baseball caps, we joined the many others in the streets of this town and enjoyed an Italian sausage! Walking up to this ballpark was, I gotta tell you, was PRETTY COOL!
We had GREAT seats!!!
At one point, it was very misty, but then it cleared away
and it was a beautiful night!
Two HAPPY Dudes!!
While the fans were finding their way to their seats, the VENDORS were delivering their goods. We are talking popcorn, hotdogs, pretzels.....everything that can be sold at the stands!! Not just in our area either! ALL OVER THE PARK - even in the upper decks and bleachers! Impressive!
Another oddity? We were eating our treats and up walked a guy with a Giants cap and an Olympia golf course shirt. We caught his eye and started talking. He was from SF, visiting with daughter and wife. We ended up sitting RIGHT BEHIND THEM! Of all things! Weird!
Many favorites from this night:
1. We would chant, "Beat LA. Beat LA. Beat LA" because LA was playing the Celtics that evening for the LAST playoff game for the NBA finals!! (LA Won - so they won the title) OR The fans just KNEW I was in the house! hahaha!!!
2. We did the WAVE, at least 3 times, all the way around the stadium!
3. EVERYONE was watching and cheering during the game.
4. The 5 young men 3 rows above were very lively and made the crowd CHEER and CHANT all of the time!
5. We sang, at the tops of our voices, "Sweet Caroline" at the middle of the 8th inning. It was soooooooooooo cool and something I was really looking forward to participating in! I called my sister in AZ because she also wanted to hear and sing along. Unfortunately, cell phones are not the best in a 'concert' setting and she could not hear. But, you want to hear what it was like? Click here for the YOUTUBE video! This is not OUR video - I wish I took one - NEXT TIME!! This was so much fun and something I will NEVER forget!!
6. It was a GREAT game and I was stoked to see David Ortiz - AND he hit a home run!!!
7. Learning some of these AMAZING players was fun and enjoyable for all.
8. At AT & T park, I enjoy the occasional wine, maybe even a Margarita.....NOPE - nothing like that here! Just your basic, hot dogs, fries, pretzel, soda and BEER!!
9. Taylor's favorite part was cheering "Beat LA" and doing the wave!
10. Dick's favorite part was just being there at the ball park.....The history of Fenway.
11. The Red Sox BEAT the Diamondbacks - 8 - 5. This was one happy crowd! The streets were FULL of excited fans, just waiting for the Lakers and Celtics to begin. There were BUSES full of police officer crowd control teams. It was CRAAAAAAAAAZZZYY!!!!
We got a little turned around - still miscommunicating - and unsure of our whereabouts. We finally were on our way, to the subway.....where it was sooooo CROWDED!!! Our first of MANY crowded subways to come!! Doesn't Dick look excited? hahaha!!!! Love it!!
Of course, on our way home, we had to stop in at the DUNKIN DONUTS on our way to our room!! These donut shops are EVERY WHERE!!!! We washed it all down with milk and were ready to sleep like BABIES!!! We FINALLY collapsed for the night around midnight! WHEW!! What a day!! Is this really the end of our FIRST day????? Feels like a few days!!!! But, we made it!! We ended up sleeping until 10 a.m.!! We were refreshed and ready for Day 2!!
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