We woke up to a beautiful sunny day and headed down to the Subway to start the Freedom Trail in downtown Boston - a highlight on our list of Colonial Days.
To start, our navigating skills still needed some attention. I was beginning to realize just WHY Dick enjoys visiting places where he has been before. I started thinking about NEW places that we've been and started recalling his uncomfortableness..... Arriving at new places, and finding his way around is not on his favorites list. I guess I was still learning this about my husband! I on the other hand, know for a fact that I do not posses ANY navigating skills, at all, whatsoever. I have a HORRIBLE sense of direction and I second guess every path I take. So.....I was beginning to see we were in BIG trouble.....yes, the "blind leading the blind" if you know what I mean......I was using my iPhone for directions and was still new at doing so. When I plugged in 'Boston Freedom Trail' we ended up in the OFFICE of the historical society. Hmpf!! Not good. Shoot! But, they were very friendly and gently told us where we needed to start. I apologized to them, explaining, 'this is where the iPhone told us to go' and they said, "Ohhhhh, that is why people end up here!!" We laughed about it and got on our way.
The Freedom Trail is a ‘must do’ in Boston!
We all enjoyed it so much. It is a 2.5 mile walk, all around the city, across a major bridge and more city but it was all worth it.
We started in Boston Common – a beautiful park as the church bells rang 12:00 Noon!! It was a little warm but we were thankful it was not humid.
During the course of the walk we went through a large
Farmer’s Market where we bought 2 containers of blackberries for $1.50!! At home they are $2.50 EACH!! Taylor and I enjoyed the fresh fruit! Our next stop was, of course for more fuel for our bodies – Mike’s Pastries! My sister CJ told me about this place so I was on the lookout for it. As I turned my head to the left – POOF there it was! We stopped in, had a treat and continued our walk. It was Yuuuummmyyy!!! Here is just a small portion of this bakery! These are eclairs - that you've never seen anywhere before!!

We saw the Old North Church. They had 'boxes' for everyone to sit in! The more you paid the church, the closer to the front you were able to sit!

We reached Bunker Hill monument and decided to take the 294-step staircase to the top! What a view!! We made it to the bottom and our legs were shaking! What a hike! We walked another 15 minutes through the town to the Subway station. I will remember this 'hike' for THREE days!!! Yes, my legs were SO SORE!!! And I thought I was in pretty good shape!!

The view at the top made it all worth it!! I especially like this pics because you can see the bridge in the distance in the middle? Well, we WALKED across that bridge to get to Bunker Hill! It was at that point when Taylor realized, "Wait, you mean we are walking to THAT monument waaaay over there?" Yup, and that was after walking for the past 1 1/2 hours to reach the bridge! They say 2.5 miles, but seriously, I think it is farther.

I loved this area! The streets were so charming!

By the time we arrived back at our room it was 4:00! We showered and got ready for Anthony’s Pier #4 for dinner and to meet up with Tiffany and Kyle! This was the restaurant that Dick’s family went to when he was on his East Coast trip and he was really looking forward to returning…he was not disappointed! It is a beautiful restaurant, on the water with very good food!! It was so nice to FINALLY have Dick, Taylor and Kyle meet each other! We were so happy to help WELCOME them 'Home' since they just moved back a few days ago!! We admired all of the photos of popular entertainers and notable politicians that have all enjoyed this restaurant too!! We felt VERY special!!

It was a BEAUTIFUL evening and we all noticed the PERFECT temperature outside. We thought we were in paradise!!
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