Friday, October 9, 2009

A Visit from Andrew and Fam Oct. 3-5

We are so relieved that since moving up here full time Andrew and his family have been able to come up and stay with us often.  This time, Erika and I twisted Andrew's arm to staying TWO nights!!  After the first night, he agreed saying, "Staying two nights is much better!" YES!! :)

They arrived during the Lovelution Festivities!!! What is it? Well, it is a day that brings together 100,000 people to celebrate unity through music with 30 floats, performances and lots of MUSIC! Sounds great huh? Except when you are driving THROUGH it!! UGH! They were caught up IN IT and were SHOCKED! I guess people PAINTED their clothing on, wore crazy outfits - OR NOT - and were taking over the streets they needed! Gotta love The City!  Thankfully, they eventually made it for lunch on Saturday.  They enjoy walking down to the Marina so we did that first thing!

Proud Daddy and his little girl!
So sweet!
What a happy family!
See? I walk all by myself now!!
"Oh, Hi Gabby!"
On Sunday all of us went to Calvary Pres Church.  Kaelyn was really good the first 10 minutes.  She began talking when she should not so Andrew took her out. It was a very good sermon and we really enjoyed our second visit! 

After church, the 49ers were playing so Andrew and Erika went to their favorite hangout place on Chestnut - Monaghan's - so they could cheer on their favorite team in their HOMETOWN and I could have BABY TIME!!! Kaelyn is the apple of my eye! We read books, look at the plants outside, pick flowers, talk about life, read more books, and just CONNECT! I LOVE IT!!! Erika and Andrew are so blessed (and thankfully, they KNOW IT!) to have this perfect little girl sent to them! It is a challenge raising a child and they are doing a great job, I am so proud of them!

On Monday before they departed we went to the SF Zoo!! Andrew went when he was a young boy and this was Erika and Kaelyn's first time. Kaelyn GROWLED and pointed to all of the animals!! It was the cutest thing!! I could not believe all of the EMPTY exhibits! Some parts they have improved but it appeared to be half full! 

They have a really nice petting zoo.

We made Erika stand against all of the little kid cutouts! SHE FITS!! 

The Lion was MAJESTIC!! Amazing!! He was staring at Kaelyn though!! YIKES!!
The most fascinating to me are the gorillas! I can watch them ALL DAY LONG!! One of these days, I am going to go to the zoo and do just that.....I will sit on that bench and just watch - Dick says, "Ok Jane Goodall!" hahahaa

They recently had a baby!! But, the mother pushed the baby away and would not take care of it. So, they gave the baby to another female and she is raising the gorilla now - GO STEPMOMS!!! ;)  Isn't that baby the cutest?
Departing is always the yucky part. Andrew makes me laugh like NO OTHER! That boy is toooo much sometimes! We had to leave to pick Taylor up from school and take him to soccer practice so we said our goodbyes, until we see each other again - hopefully SOON!


debbie said...

i love the gorillas too!

Dick and Barbara said...

How funny! LOVE THEM!! Did you see the little baby!!!?? Sooooooo adorable to watch him!!!

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