I know! I have not blogged in awhile! Gee, Dick retires and all of the sudden, we loose track of the days!! LOL! Actually, that is true!
This past week was our first week of staying up in SF after taking Taylor back to Novato. No packing up the car, and Gabby, no bleaching the toilets, no emptying the frig - FREE TIME!! So, on the way home we took a side trip to Mill Valley. The downtown area - which is very cute - was closing up but we managed a peek into a few stores, and enjoyed a cup of coffee at the open area cafe - watching the dogs and children play. We had a very nice dinner at the Buckeye Roadhouse right next to the Highway on our way out of town. We think it is the "VP" of the area! It sure was nice not to drive anywhere! We think we are going to like it a lot!!
Since I work at the PreSchool only on Thursday and Friday, that gives some FREE TIME! We've watched a few movies, planted a vegetable and herb garden, enjoyed our daily runs together, getting together with friends, walked Gabby all over, and thanked God every day for allowing us to enjoy each day. On our run the other day, I thought..... if Dick was not married, he would be doing all of this on his own, and I would be so sad for him. I thanked him for giving me the honor to assist him in his retirement!! It is a tough job but someone has to do it eh?
Here is Gabby enjoying one of her walks.
Dick was a chaperone with Taylor's class on a Crissy Field outing. The children took the city bus from school, down to the Marina, took a class by the naturalists about the wildlife of the wetlands, had lunch then made the walk back to school. The weather has been absolutely beautiful and everyone enjoyed the day.
While they were on their fieldtrip, I was walking Gabby and we saw this dogwalker. We see him often. Today he had NINE!! Impressive eh?

Taylor is in baseball for his school team so he has practice on Wednesdays and games on Saturdays. In fourth grade, it is still a 'coach pitch' game so Dick volunteered as pitcher. He does a GREAT job, if only the kids would! DOH!! No, they try but still struggle at this age.
Well, it is after 5:00 now, hubby just gave me a margarita and now we'll walk and pick up our Chicken with Black Bean Burrito to share for dinner. Can't wait for that vegetable garden to grow so I can make some SALSA!