Thursday, April 30, 2009

Taylor's Baseball Season Update

This photo taken after a WIN!!! 

Saturday, April 25th

This is Taylor's 4th season - 2 with T-Ball and 2 playing for his school team.  Well, last year for the school, the LOST every single game.  It was terrible.
This year, they are 3-4!! IMPROVEMENT!!! It is still a 'coach pitch' team with your one and only Dick Nash as the one and only PITCHER!  He does a GREAT job, if only the kids would do their part!! :-/
Dick is out with the coach every Wednesday from 2-3:30 at practice and pitches every Saturday game.  He really adds a lot to the team and the head coach is always thanking him for his support. Thankfully,  the fields offered to the 4th grade in the city are much nicer than what is offered to the 3rd graders.  They are BEAUTIFUL and located in the most picturesque locations!!  Holly Field is my favorite park because it has a bike path all the way around the park and Gabby LOVES to walk it! There are more dogs than people most Saturday mornings!! She can meet, greet, sniff soooooooo many friends!!

See the CITY? I often wonder if these kids really know how lucky they are!!
Holly Field

On this particular Saturday......we actually lost - 20 - 0!!!! OUCH!! It was horrible!! We've decided our team is not a morning team.  The games WON were all AFTER school!! But, we are all still learning and try to keep it all in perspective.  It is still NOT a good day after a game like that!! 
The kids are still 'rotating' their positions but Taylor's favorite position is 3rd base and I have to say, he does very well when in that position! He is also swinging the bat with more confidence and strength!  We have about 3 more games - hope we can win a few more cuz it is a lot more fun when we win!! ;)

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