Saturday, August 17, 2013

Summer Vacay - Day 7

July 29, 2013

Up at 8 a.m. – quick night but need to finish packing, clean up and get off to the airport for our flight to Durban.  One thing I’ve noticed during this vacay thus far: We live for THE DAY!  We don’t count the days left at any given spot, we don’t count the days until a specific event….we all seem to be living in the moment and I am very happy with that!!!  Often, we get stuck on ‘a schedule’ and I am not feeling this at all…..
It was sad to say our goodbyes to V, his family and their ‘live-in’ maids that we came to know and appreciate.  We understand the maids earn about 300 rand – about $30 a month plus room and board.  They are ‘Zulu’s’ and are trying to get ahead in life.  They help with laundry, cooking and cleaning.  We gave our laundry to them and later that day, it was delivered back to us, folded and pressed.  Vasi usually brings them ‘treats’ of lipstick and nail polishes from America when she visits.  We gave them a “good tip” and their reaction was as if we just gave them the moon!! 
The flight to Durban goes well and takes about 45 minutes.

Where exactly IS Durban? Well, we FINALLY have good WiFi and I am able to show you!! See Johannesburg? The dot is Durban!! 

We arrive in Durban and greeted by Auntie Rani, daughter Talia and her boyfriend Ashley, and Gerald – their in house man (white guy).  They have 3 beautiful white BMW’s to take us to Auntie Rani’s ….really the house is owned by Julian, their son ad all live there.  Drive takes about 30 minutes from airport…..we travel along coastline of Indian Ocean….first time we’ve ever seen it!!!

Julian’s home is a beautiful 6 bedroom, 2 story home – whie stucco with lots of glass and high ceilings.  A man with a gun is the security at the gate and has electrified fence as well as surveillence cameras.  Jlian’s wife, Lynette is there to greet us along with David’s other aunties Jane and Lily and also Rani’s husband Larry.  Larry turns out to be a gold medal champion sprinter and still competes in 100 meter, 200 meter, 400 meter and 800 meter senior races’ and holds many records forhis age bracket – 75 years old!! He’s wonderful and he and Tay became fast friends.
The front of the house.

Oh, almost forgot to mention…. At Julian’s house outside in front are 2 RED awesome cars!!!! A new Ferrari and Lamborgini!!! He likes fast cars and Tay is in heaven!!!

Being the awesome Stepmother that I am......I looked at Tay and said, "Let's go look closely at the cars!!!" It didn't take much to twist his arm! He was up and out of his seat - QUICK!!! We had such a fun time looking, touching, oohing and aaaaahing....he really could not believe he was touching such beautiful cars.  It was a lot of fun.  David promised a ride - for BOTH of us!! Oh yeah baby!!

A car lover's DREAM!
Yup, he's in heaven
They are beautiful
I mean, look at that shine!

A day to remember!
Time for lunch and we enjoy ‘Drunken chicken’ from the BBQ,  briani, rice and salad along with whatever beverage of our choosing – usually alcohol!! :-0

Delicious lunch is followed by good visits and catching up.  We go to our rooms which has an awesome view of the ocean – with many ships waiting their turn to enter the harbor near the Durban downtown which is about 10 miles away.  Julian and his top executives are all here today also….working on various projects as Julian is a venture capitalistic with many projects and businesses…..and obviously very very successful.
Talia and Ashley
COOKING, of course!!!!
Vasi, David, Auntie Rani, Julian, Auntie Lily
Late dinner for us – also had a late lunch.  Specialties included delicious chicken biryani, duck curry, and many other Indian specialties…..dessert of yummy orange cake, soji balls – fried little doughnut hold type goodies served with cream, and soji cake!!!  I was recruited, along with David T., to learn the technique of frying these balls!!  What a hoot!!
Vasi's job - Making of the balls.
Coat the balls with the batter.
My job - The frying of the balls.
Chatting it up - poolside!
The views out of our room - the Indian Ocean!

One funny moment that occurred was showing Taylor our room....he and Uncle David were laying their heads in the 'playroom'.....where Tay actually had to sleep on a round 'Princess Bed' - don't tell him that I told you though...what is a guy to do if he wants a ride in a Ferrari? haha!!! But, the funny thing was that our bathroom had a toilet and a bidet!! I asked Tay, 'What do you think that is used for?' His answer? "To wash a baby?" We laughed and I let him know the answer. Oh the things he is learning on this trip!! hahaha!!

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