Sheesh, where has the time gone? I just never get any free time to blog anymore! Weird!! I really don't know where the time goes!! Yea, we've been busy, but seriously....
So, I think I'll just get up to speed, close the chapter on 2011 with a few favorite photos and brief descriptions since the last post in October!
Our most exciting news of the YEAR is probably watching David and Vasi's baptismal. Yes, that is right. They turned to God and is acknowledging Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. There son Brad was baptized as a 9 year old with a friend in school and he was 'renewing' his vow. A very special day and we'll remember it always. Happiest part is (Lord willing) we'll be able to grow old and be friends/family in eternity!! SWEET!! Thanks be to God for bringing them to our family.
Our little Alice in Wonderland aka Kae - age 3....with her little dog! haha
Our ROCK STAR Slash aka - Taylor age 13.
Some poor soul! hahah
Tay's Mom/StepDad took the pics.

Thanksgiving in November
So thankful for the Whitesides! We were able to enjoy Jennifer's FINE cooking skills, Justin's warm hospitality, baby Annabelle's adorable personality and even their friend from CA Shaz, for our Thanksgiving Dinner in Chicago!
The Saturday after Thanksgiving, we attended a long time friend's daughters wedding in a suburb of Chicago - Glenview. Here is where we met 'The Royal Family'. They were an adorable family from England and we quickly became friends with Colin, Hilda and their 2 sons Nic and Anton.
Soooo British!!
Day after wedding party. What a spread! These people know how to throw a party!!
Down stairs was just your typical 'media room'. SWEEEET!
The Thanksgiving Dinner crew got together again to enjoy a little bit of GERMAN in downtown Chicago. Nothing like a little bit of Mulled Spice Wine to warm us up! Yes, that is a baby peeking out of Justin's chest!
In December we had the GREAT honor to be invited to the infamous No Name Lunch Bunch Christmas Dinner. This was the group of retired men that Dick's father created 30 years ago. Each month they meet at two different restaurants for lunch and take turns hosting the day. Each December, they take turns hosting a special dinner and the wives are invited to attend. Since Bill and Jane were unable to make it this year, Dick and I (including David and Morri) were asked to attend. What an honor!! We could not refuse this invite. The invitation, the decorations, the meal, the company were absolutely elegant and FUN!! Yes, FUN with a total of 25 guests, most in their 80's, some in there 90's! What a hoot! The evening started with the arrival of guests, most women wearing some type of FUR, light horsd'vores, drinks and music! In the corner a keyboardist and singer, singing Christmas songs. The meal was fantastic - main course - New Zealand venison - that was truly amazing! I had the privilege to sit next to a retired Methodist Pastor. He and his wife enjoy visiting San Francisco and we had a lot to talk about!
This photo was taken when we picked up our other 'date' around the corner.
Yes, a black tie affair!! :-0
Next up, our 5th year wedding anniversary 12-23-11. Always a surprise destination and evening planned by my hubs! Secret destination dinner this year? The beloved THREE SEASONS! We had one near our home and they closed! :-( So, we drove to Palo Alto to eat at the other location! YEAH! Never been here before. GREAT meal, then an evening stroll down their beautiful downtown area.
This pic is blurry, but I love the LOVE in his face so had to post! :-)
For Christmas, Erika made delicious Tamales for dinner. Kae and I explored the backyard and
had many tea parties on Christmas morning. I love every moment with this little girl, and thankfully, I think the feeling is mutual!! :-)
Headed down to Visalia to be with brother David and 'outlaw' sister Morri. LOVE this tradition of the hats! Annual photoshot!
Good-bye 2011. It's been a life changing type of year with the passing of some special people. But, we will do our best to continue to allow their legends to live and grow within us - with God's help. We are thankful for everything we have and everything we are, in Christ's holy name.
Rock On 2012!!