taken at the mission in SLO by Amy Pirtle
We depart SF on the 15th of June and head straight to Visalia. We took in a Visalia Rawhide game (single A pro baseball) and Taylor had his picture taken with Tipper the mascot!
Dick's parents were moved from the hospital to a rehabilitation center, where they were both in the same room - an answer to prayers! When we were leaving, Poopa made it clear, "Our door will be locked tomorrow, unless you have a Root Beer Float in your hands!" Yea, he is gaining strength!
Happy Father's Day Poopa!!
On the beach, waiting for the festivities to begin!!
Mother of the bride aka CJ - sister from AZ, the 'derby woman', and sister Brenda from SoCal.
Getting ready to PARTY!!
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Hitchcock
Their first dance
All dressed up and somewhere to go!!
My heart is HAPPIEST when we can ALL be together....something that doesn't happen nearly enough, but ever so thankful when it does. Lookin' good family!!
Of course it was a beautiful wedding, dancing the night away. We were even able to pull off a 'Flash Mob' for the bride! Yup, for the past month, all 70 guests secretly practiced a dance that Amy choreographed and placed on YouTube. It was recorded so someday I'll get my hands on it and post it here! Until then, trust me, it was awesome!!!
After the wedding we spent 4 nights in Cayucos with the mother and father of the bride and Godmother and Godfather of the bride and Amy. We never had a sunny day so we were unable to go boogie boarding but enjoyed:
fresh, cool air
Hearst Castle
shopping in Morro Bay
the mission in SLO
bubble gum alley
shopping in downtown SLO
the melodrama in Oceano
yummy dinners
yummy desserts
playing tennis
running on the beach
the game FARKEL
Bob and Brian played golf
jacuzzi tub time
enjoyed the stars in the night sky
shared photos and stories of the wedding
celebrated CJ's birthday!!!
In Cayucos
Amy, Brian, Laurie, CJ, Bob, Me, Taylor and Dick
the famous pool at Hearst Castle
Me, CJ and Laurie at THE ROCK
On the terrace of 'The Inn of Morro Bay'
Tay and Amy inside the church of SLO Mission
Men by a river.
Bubble gum alley, a close up shot!!!
Looking good at 84 CJ!! hahaah!!!
At the Melodrama in Oceano.
Yes, that is Dick playing 'Words with Friends' on the left! Geesh, that game!!! hahaha
We got back to SF just in time for the Giant's game with 30 of our closest friends and family members. It was a pretty slow game until the 8th inning. Giants were able to pull out a win and that is always a FUN time!
Happy guy!
Kaelyn was a trooper and enjoyed her dog.
After the dog she was ready for the game!
Told you it was a slow game.
Vasi hosted the After Party party in her home. Let the good times roll!
(Blurry pic but still a good one.)
Kaelyn enjoying the After Party party too!
Kurt, Taylor, Amy, Andrew and I went out for our first GEOCACHING hunt and now have a new hobby!! We found the first two, but could not locate the third along the coast....ah well, next time.
The next day we went back to Visalia to spend time with Dick's parents, lounged in Uncle David's pool and caught another Rawhide game.
Summer Time Fun
Saying goodbye to Jane and Poopa wasn't easy though. Each day is a gift for ALL of us, but being in there condition, made us realized how precious each day is.... The food isn't the best in the convalescent home they've been moved to so upon Poopa's request, we all enjoyed lunch of In and Out burgers and A & W Root Beer Floats then headed back to SF.
The last hour of vacation Dick and Taylor practiced his baseball pitches and we went on another Geocache hunt. I found this one - my first!! Gabby thinks SHE found it!
It was a great 15 days but we are always sad to say goodbye to Taylor. He is such a good boy, great travel buddy, never complaining, always ready to see/do something new. I was happy he was able to spend time with my side of the family and people were able to get to know him better too. We'll see him again the 2nd weekend in July and then again for PART 2 of Summer vacation Aug 1-15. We are ever so thankful. Life is good.
Everyone enjoys a canon ball!!
and getting to push your Dad into the pool!
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