Friday, May 20, 2011

UPDATE on our new pet

So sorry to report. Upon returning from our Mother's Day Weekend with my kids, Dick's mom and my mom.....No bird activity. Odd. I looked in the nest and it appeared less organized, a few bits of nest falling away, no bird activity. I watched the nest for a few days and still, No Activity.
We've had a few sunny days so I finally had a few minutes to catch some warmth on my deck outside of our bedroom. There, by a planter box, it caught my eye. A little bird, dead. It was still fairly featherless, about 1.5 inches long. I don't know how it got up to the deck. That is still a mystery! The nest is down below off of the garden fence. There weren't any remittance of egg shell anywhere to be seen, not around the nest or around the deck.
I haven't checked the nest for a few days now, I don't want to disturb the parents any more than they probably are feeling at this point. Sure has been quiet. Too quiet now! Yea, we sleep past 6 a.m. now, but ...... reminds me of 'Be careful what you wish for.'

Monday, May 2, 2011

Ohhhh, now I get it!!

For the past few weeks, each morning between 6 - 6:30 a.m. a bird lands on our window ledge outside of our bedroom and pecks on the glass! At first it was 'cute'. When we don't have to get up at 6 a.m. it soon became annoying!! We call him in PEEPING Tom!! hahah
Here he is!
Thankfully, today, I figured it out!! We're having a baby!! Well, not WE as in me and Dick.....WE as in two birds that made a nest in our backyard!! I call them robins, but I really don't know the exact species.
I was in the backyard, sweeping the yard and cleaning out the flower beds when two of these birds began tweeting and flying around. I tried to ignore them but the longer I stayed the more agitated they became and made it obvious they wanted me out of there! I heard their calls change, as time went on, from normal tweets to a jungle CRY!! It was eerie! Then, while I was watching them, I noticed IT!! There, hiding in the leaves was a beautiful NEST!!!
Truly, a work of art!!
I bet they have eggs in that nest and they don't want anyone near it! I explained to them that I wasn't interested in their babies, I just wanted to work in the garden. After a few minutes, they settled down and I continued to work away. Being the nosey person that I am, I wanted to get another look at the nest so I moved in a little closer. I took this picture and noticed that one of the birds was sitting in the nest!! Not sure if you can see it, I know what to look for, but you can see her little yellow beak sticking up in the air!!
Then, as if there was a fire alarm, she FLEW out of the nest RIGHT AT ME!!! I had to DUCK to get out of her way!!! Crazy bird!! But, I was able to get a great shot as she gave me the 'eagle eye' siting on the fence! Now that I've had a chance to look closely, and look online, she is an American Robin! Cool!! I've read more about them and have since learned that the female builds the nest and sits on the eggs for 14 days. The male sings the many different calls, as if he is the OFFICER IN CHARGE, protecting the babies and then will teach them how to forage on their own.
Now, when they peck on our window, I think they are being a friendly neighbor, telling us, "Good Morning! We made it through another night! Babies are doing fine!! Thanks for being such a great neighbor!!" How can I get upset about their happiness of new birth? OK, well, I may be stretching the reason for the pecking on the glass but hopefully it'll help me at those 6 a.m wake up calls.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Walk #8 Presidio Wall & Marina Waterfront

Since it was such a gorgeous day, I decided to take advantage of it and go on another walk from the book. I took Dick to the airport this morning to catch a plane to TN so I did this one solo. It worked out just fine. I know I can be a little annoying, stopping, taking photos, reading about EVERY point of interest, or just wanting to sit on a park bench, reflect and rest a minute......I was able to do just that today without annoying anyone! :-0
I jumped a few chapters ahead in the book so I could do this walk in our area. I walked to about the 12th point of interest in the book instead of starting at the first one. So, I began on Broderick at two of the oldest, original homes in the area, built in 1907. (The earthquake was in 1906)
Um, do we have to go up that?
Nope! WHEW! Just go AROUND it!!
At the top, looking down Divisadero.
I'd say it was a beautiful for sailing!!
Doesn't everyone have a Koi fish tank in front of their house? WOW! As I was taking this photo, the owner arrived. She told me to come up the stairway to see the other fish pond!
They thought it was feeding time!
On the left side of the stairway, below the circular fish pond above, is a waterfall!!
After walking down the Lyon Stairway, which I've done numberous times, I heard a sister-in-law Alice would dine for dinner with her grandmother quite often at Liverpool Lil's!! We've passed by many many times, thought about checking it out, and it took until TODAY to finally wander inside! It's a very small spot with a great, old, "man's bar" - according to my new friend Tom - quite the character for 77 years old! The food smelled GREAT but I wasn't hungry, just thirsty so I bellied up to the bar and got a thirst quenching Margarita! After my 30 minute break, it was time to move on.
The Letterman Digital Arts Center that houses the Industrial Light and Magic and Lucas Arts, owned by George Lucas is a large part of the presidio and we pass through it often. But I was so surprised by the beautiful park behind the wall! We literally walk right by this well hidden gem ALL OF THE TIME and NEVER knew it was here!!! How can that be? Crazy!!
I love how the arches make the shadows!
In describing this area, the book states, "There is time. You don't have to rush."
No lie. That is exactly how I felt while sitting on the park bench.
Watching, listening, being still.
Yes, today, SHADOWS caught my eye!
"Eadweard Muybridge, the photographer famous for his experiment proving that
all four legs of horses are off the ground at one point when running."
"Philo Farnsworth, inventor of television."
I walked all around the Palace of Fine Arts, didn't take many photos today because I've taken many in the past...I headed out to the wave organ and low and behold.......
......which meant wealthy people dressed in boating attire, drinking martini's!
LOVE those shoes!
You thought I was kidding huh?
I know, I felt a little bad taking their photo....
but you wouldn't have believed me!!
At the far end of the jetty, looking back.
The walk today was 4 miles. I left the house around 12:30 and returned at 3:15. I'm glad that I FINALLY learned some more of the history of our neighborhood!! I missed walking with my hubs, but Me, Myself, and I can still have a good time.

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