Our hearts were saddened/shocked at the unexpected loss of a dear co-worker at Malibu today. John 'Walkabout' Sisson passed this morning from a brain aneurysm. John was 44 years old a character and a half!! This guy could have been a stand-up comedian. He lived life with a passion and will never be forgotten. We decided today would be the perfect day to lift John's family and friends up in prayer while surrounding ourselves in the beauty of our Creator, and our life Master. When it is my time, I'll request to be placed in John's area of heaven - since his arrival, it will be known as the LAUGHTER ZONE, I'm sure!!!
The walk begins at the corner of Polk and Greenwich. We took the bus to about .50 mile from the starting line but could have easily walked the mile from our home - just thought we'd save our legs in case the stairs gave us a beating! Thankfully, they did not.
Our first set of garden stairways were on a little-known stairway that I found STUNNING! It was a GREAT time of the year with many flowers in full bloom - even my favorite - the Clivia!!
Known as "one of the most attractive FERN gardens!" Beautiful! Felt like a jungle.
By far, this photo is my favorite. These were all taken with my iPhone 4G!! Amazing huh!? I did not use any app to touch any of them up either. Love the purple flowers in this one, signifying LIFE, 'knock and the door shall be open unto you.' Luke 11:9
Love the lighting, God was with us....that's a lot of steps!!
We saw the next set of steps on Broadway and we each had a different reaction!
Dick counted 162 steps. The RunKeeper app calculated an elevation change from
194 ft above sea level up to 390 ft! That is an INCLINE!!!
While on Broadway, this gate caught my eye. It was saying:
'Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him and praise his name.' Psalm 100:4
Saw this flyer. Seriously? Um, YUP!
Here is the house. Man not included.
So many beautiful doorways that are grabbing my attendion today.
Once the home of the Folger family....as in the coffee!
Ah, at the end of the road, ICE CREAM!!! Perfect!
Swensen's ORIGINAL! It's been at this location since 1948.
A total of 2.22 miles for the route in the book. We decided we had enough strength to make it home so we walked home giving a total of 3.54 miles walked. I really enjoyed the beauty of the gardens on this particular walk. I love how the gardens feel like secret little secluded areas of a big city. Again, as other gardens we've seen, these gardens are maintained mostly by the residents in the area. I just love that!
Please keep the Sisson family in your prayers, live each day to its fullest and make sure to express your love to the ones you love! Thank you!