Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Life is Precious, Life is Sweet!

I volunteered at Davies Symphony Hall this morning, we listened to Beethoven - Symphony 1 and 2! The lecture beforehand was superb - as always.
Since I was busy from 7:30 a.m. - 1:30, I wasn't able to run with my favorite running partner - my Dickey Boy. After some lunch, laying in the sunshine on the back deck and checking in with Taylor when he came home from school, I set out. The winds are a little stronger in the afternoon, but it was a beautiful, crystal day.
I love running UP to the Golden Gate Bridge. The scenery is always changing. I just had to post this shot I just took. It is about 4:00 in the afternoon, sun in shining on the bridge, life is good.
I promise, I won't complain in July anymore with "Winters" like this. It truly is a beautiful city by the bay.

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