They weren't kidding about the traffic and the amount of TAXI's!!
Taylor has a good friend whose family is from Boston. One of Taylor’s LEAST favorite baseball teams are the Yankees. So, while in NY, Taylor wanted to support his friend and wear his Red Sox baseball cap. We warned him of the remarks that he may get but he was feeling brave. Upon boarding the boat for the statue, comments were made along the way, “Oh sorry, you are not allowed to board wearing THAT hat” and “Prepare the life boats, man is going overboard.” Taylor was feeling like a little rebel and stood proud!
View of the Empire State Building from the ferry.
Dad and son taking in the sites!!
The tour was great, pointing out the Empire State Building, and so many other important buildings and telling us lots of history about the city. Did you know that The Empire State Building has 2000 windows and 1000 toilets? Before the trip, some people suggested to take the FREE Staten Island Ferry because it also goes close to the statue. We considered doing this but I am so glad we paid the $20 per person tour.
After the tour we were STARVING and wanted some NY Pizza!! We looked around then jumped into one – Claudio’s – one of the many little restaurants sporting pizza by the slice. Ahhhh, our FIRST NY PIZZA! There was NO air conditioning and it was WARM! We folded the pizza (NY style) and enjoyed every bite!
We walked to Broadway and was BLOWN away by the excitement, buildings and people everywhere!! We hopped on a tour bus and thought we would take the entire tour around the city but when we came to the Empire State building, we decided to hop off and check it out since there didn’t appear to be many people. As luck had it, we walked right up, no lines!!! David Nash was in NY with his daughter a few weeks ago and had to wait at least an hour in line!! WHEW – we got lucky!!
The top of the Empire State Building
Well, not sure if you know this little fact but Dick is really afraid of heights. As we exited the elevator – after traveling 86 floors – he had ‘the look’. THEN I REMEMBERED!!! He was a trooper though. Surprisingly, Taylor was fine and we took a bunch of pictures. When Taylor and I went to the waterslides a few years ago, his legs would shake as we climbed the steps to the top – not anymore.
The views were magnificent! Such a clear day!!
We hopped back on the tour bus and made our way around the outskirts of the city, passing the site of 9/11, Battery Park, the three bridges – BMW – Brooklyn, Manhattan and Washington. Did you know New York has 252 Starbuck's and Central Park is 6 miles all the way around? These are the bits of information we learned from our 'Hop on Hop off' bus ride. The guides we had were born and raised PROUD New Yorkers that explained much about the city.
Where the ball dropped!! See the ball?
Sooooo many people doing Yoga in Times Square! Only in NY!
Beautiful Flat Iron Building
On our way back to the room we had dinner at Ralph’s - an old Italian restaurant – since 1956 – and enjoyed a delicious dinner and outstanding service. The placed reminded us of our Parma in SF.
The Tiramisu, could not resist!
So, our first day in this big city was a GREAT one!! I told Dick that I did not feel as ‘overwhelmed’ as I thought I would be. I think SF was our ‘training grounds’ because I was really digging this city!
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