Thursday, January 28, 2010

Indian Meatballs!

Our friends, David and Vasi make the BEST Indian Meatballs! About 2 months ago, we went to Napa to a few wineries. Our other good friend, Gary, set us up with a private appointment with Biale to taste their new stuff. (I think I blogged about this special visit) WOWZA! Goooooood wines! Anyway, while there, the subject of cooking and wine came up. Especially the topic of spicy INDIAN food and their wine! Dave, the head marketing guy told us that EVERY Tuesday, they make lunch for the employees.....a time for them to get together, have a day off of bringing lunch from home, open a few bottles of wine and enjoy! Well, that is all that needed to be said. Being the GIVING, GENEROUS people that David and Vasi are, they volunteered to make them a meatball sandwich lunch on 'some Tuesday in the future'. Well that Tuesday was a few days ago. Dick and I went over to D and V's house and made 18 pounds of hamburger into about 120 meatballs!
The next day we loaded the car and made our way over to the winery. It was a rainy, drizzly day so the warm spicy Indian meatballs were PERFECT! We fed about 15 of the employees, opened a few bottles of wine and really enjoyed the 2 hour lunch! EVERYONE had a second serving and that made us very happy!
A great time was had! We'll be seeing these nice folks this Saturday, when we attend the ZAP (Zinfandel Advocates & Producers) Festival!
Sorry, no pictures.....I know, I kick myself now......NEXT TIME!!

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