Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Time!

The tree is decorated.

The house is ready.

WE are ready!

The Gingerbread House is made!

The presents are bought, wrapped, shipped and a few already delivered!

The Christmas cards have been sent.

We've been enjoying Christmas music, daily!

The school Christmas program was enjoyed!

The beach house reservation for Christmas vacation in Cayucos are done.

We've RSVP'd to party with Malibu friends.

Now it is just waiting for it to all occur and celebrate Jesus' BIRTHDAY!!!

We look forward to celebrating on Christmas Eve with Amy, Andrew, Erika, Kaelyn at my mom's house. We'll pick Taylor up that evening, head down to Dick's parents. Taylor will be with us until January 3rd!

Wishing you all a VERY Merry Christmas and the HAPPIEST and HEALTHIEST New Year!

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