Sunday, August 9, 2009

Part II - Taylor's Summer Vacation

LOTS of BASEBALL this season - it's a good thing!

Aug. 1 - Started the second half of Taylor's summer. We kicked it off by going to a Giants Baseball game with lots of GREAT friends and family! But, before the game, we took a walk with the Singer Family!  Paul was surprised with the size of our garage and asked if we ever see anyone towing a boat through the, that would be a NO..... We laughed about that, can you imagine? In these streets? But, on our walk, we turn the first corner, and lo and behold!!!! Someone backing in their boat - and a MALIBU nonetheless!!! We could not believe our eyes!! We chatted with the owners, laughed about our story and gave them a few pointers on how to get that boat in the garage! Paul, did you ever send him a Malibu t-shirt?

The 25 of us had our usual seats - yup, the birds-eye-view.....but good times were had and Giants beat Phillies! Thanks to all for coming up!! (I have to show you the view cuz it gets BETTER!)
On Monday, August 3 we hopped on a plane headed for beautiful, sunny San Diego!! Yup, home of the PADRES! Yes, and that was the first stop too!! First, we checked out Piper Nash's place - she is living down there while going through Nursing School - then twisted her arm to join us for Padres vs. Braves game. GREAT seats, pretty quiet fans - kind of strange, yummy ice cream cones and a PADRES WIN!!
Told you the seats got better!
I like how they kept the old Supply building and used as part of the park!! 
Tuesday was the BUSIEST day of them all with the San Diego Zoo, the San Diego Mission AND SeaWorld!! All were a good time with LOTS of walking! One of the many highlights thus far was riding the Journey to Atlantis in SeaWorld with Taylor - Dick is not a fan of roller coaster rides. It has a pretty steep/angle drop - a water log type ride! Pretty fun!! I think I was screaming louder than Taylor!!

The other highlight of that day was a somber one. We went to the Mission because Taylor just finished 4th grade and spent a lot of time studying them last year. Also, it being the FIRST of the missions was pretty cool! Well, while sitting in the church admiring all of the work and feeling the presence of years past, in walks a young teenaged boy, with his arm around another teenaged boy. The second boy appeared to be mentally challenged along with being physically challenged. I believe that God puts us in places with people at certain times for a reason. The friend/brother helping the other was showing so much love and affection to the inured boy, it was touching. The healthy boy lowered the kneelers, he bowed his head and prayed for awhile. I sat wondering what he could be praying for and thought that his prayers were needing to be met waaaaay more than mine. After praying, he rubbed his friends head lovingly and kissed it. It really touched my heart and I had to sit, pray and think for awhile......

Wednesday was BEACH DAY!!! YEAH!!!! Yes, since moving to SF fulltime, I have been complaining a little about the LACK of sun in July!! I LOVE the sun and miss it sooooo much. There were days in July when we would drive 10 miles north, just so I could sit in the sunshine. My daughter, Amy drove down from Huntington Beach and we all enjoyed the afternoon catching up and boogie boarding!! We caught some AMAZING waves!!! Dick even played in the water - showing us his boogie boarding skills!! Taylor and I love the beach and go boogie boarding every chance we get but we have to rent the wetsuits in our northern california beaches. Down in SoCal, the water is warm and it was spectacular!!! We count our blessings daily!!
Thursday we traveled about 40 minutes north of SD to LegoLand. This was going to be a first for all of us! It was pretty cool to see the 'cities' built of Legos - pretty amazing actually.... the rides were pretty weak with very long lines. We walked the entire park - and stayed for about 5 hours!! A really fun place for 5-7 year olds.
I zoomed in to show the detail!!
All made out of LEGOS!!! 

On Friday we met up with Piper for breakfast before our plane departed this beautiful vacation spot for many and HOME for the lucky ones!! ;)

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