We left SF after picking up my Valentine gift from the Apple store - an iPhone!! YES!!! I absolutely LOVE IT!
We arrived and parked in the parking lot where others park when they wait for the ski bus to take them up to Bear Valley Ski Resort. Bob picked us up in their snowcat and wisked us up the hill to their cabin - a 10 minute drive. Wow, what a beautiful home! He can build - she can decorate!!
We enjoyed Friday night, all day Saturday and sadly made our departure on Sunday. I actually had a baaaaaaaaaaaad headache the entire time!! I looked online and discovered that I must have had an 'Altitude headache'. It was TERRIBLE! I actually had to lay down during the day - unheard of!! As soon as we drove down the mountain, and arrived at 3,000 feet, my headache was GONE!!
Nevertheless, we had a great time hanging out with both Bob and Anna. They are beautiful people and are blessed beyond words to call them friends. Here are a few pics of the trip!!
After the somersault - and breaking the sled!! We decided that was the last time downhill while all limbs were still working!!
The rest of the pics are in the Web Album link on the right.
Suuuuuuper jealous!!
ok so I will be shocked if you tell me all of those pictures were taken from your iphone! Absolutely gorgeous pictures. Too darn bad about the headache - I've heard of that altitude thing. But you still got to go and I didn't..... lol
Hey CJ - a few were taken from the iPhone, yes...a few from camera....but, the Food Week blog that I just posted - ALL with iPhone! :)
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