Sunday, December 7, 2008

Malibu's Christmas Luncheon

As you can guess, people are not buying as many boats with the down, how can a company afford a party when having to lay off its employees = NO Christmas party for Malibu this year.

But, the Women's Bible Study group decided to host a Christmas luncheon for the plant with ham and turkey that was given as a gift from one of the vendors. Anna did all of the shopping of rolls, meat, sandwich fixings, beans, chips and desserts. We showed up on Tuesday morning, unloaded, set the tables, decorate with poinsettas, crank up the Christmas music. We served everyone a nice lunch and in return, we asked for them to donate a canned good to the County Food Bank. We were able to gather quite a bit!

The hangar looked pretty festive!
Anna and I delivered the leftover food to the Men's Rescue Mission and to the Food Bank. A busy busy day but it always feels good to lend a helping hand.

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