Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tuesday in SF!

Let's get a Boudin clam chowder bread bowl!!!

No, we did not make Erika, Andrew and Kaelyn walk down to Pier 39 like we did Taylor! haha...

But, first stop - Montessori PreSchool to visit with Ms. Vasi!! We took a quick tour, played with a few babies that were awake from their nap, talked with Taylor's former teachers and got some hugs from Ms. Vasi before departing.

Neither Andrew or Erika had ever been down LOMBARD Street!! So, we did the dipsy doodle curvy drive and headed over to Pier 39.

They were starting to decorate!

Happiness is..... a Boudin Bowl - eating the leftovers!

The little restaurant (the little brown hut - in the lower left) that we'll go to one of these days. You take a little boat out to it and they have two sittings a night.
Yea, lots of clouds, but still makes a good picture.
Gotta see the sea lions!
We walked all around the Wharf area while Kaelyn slept in the stroller. When we got home, Andrew and Erika had dinner at our favorite restaurant - Parma - walked around Chestnut, checked out a popular bar and ended up at Johnny Rockets to top off their night with some chilly cheese fries!! We loved Kaelyn the entire 4 hours they were out!! :-)

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