Monday, November 10, 2008

Museum Trip!

Another goal is to visit the 'tourist' places in SF at least ONCE! So, Taylor had a half day of school last Thursday so we grabbed him and his friend Kestel and headed to the NEWLY reopened, remodeled California Academy of Sciences - A Natural History Museum, a Planetarium AND the Steinhart Aquarium all in one!
We had a great afternoon. Taylor took his camera and had a blast. I don't have to take my camera anymore!! I'll post some of my pics but when we are back in SF I will get his SD card and post some of his.
Kestrel's parents had us over for dinner that evening. While putting Taylor to bed, he said, "I am a happy boy!" It was a great way to spend a half day off from school!
The Albino Alligator
The popular Living ROOFTOP!
17 million plants!!!
Enough hands on for Taylor and Kestrel
Amazing creatures!!

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