Sunday, November 16, 2008

I just feel the need....

to share what was given to me last week at my Tuesday morning Bible Study....Dick, Taylor and I read this list today and I enjoyed it AGAIN....Along with each sentence, there is a verse in the Bible that points you to these words. If you'd like to know the verse, just let me know, I'll give you the answer....for now, I will just post the verses. I hope you enjoy these words of praise to God and find comfort in these words as we did. Thanks!!

He helps us.
He is good.
He gives us truth.
For the beauty of creation.
He has made our bodies wonderfully
He heals us.
He provides everything we need.
We are His people.
His works toward us are wonderful.
The Lord is compassionate toward us.
He is our God.
He made the day and the night.
He gives us breath.
He gives us food.
He never breaks His promises.
He sent Jesus.
He makes all things beautiful.
He plans for our future.
His mercies are new each day.
He guides us.
He forgives us.
He hears us.
He gives us abundant life.
He promises to remove sorrow and replace it with joy.
We will spend eternity with Him.
He places us in our family.
He loves us with an everlasting love.
He conquered sin and death for us.
He gives us peace.
He is always with us.
He comforts us.
He gives us hope.
He gives us His Word.
Our church.
He makes us more like Him.
He gives us rain.
He fills us with His Spirit.
He completes what He begins in us.
We're not alone in hard times.

1 comment:

Frank and Ann Tiahrt said...

good verses barb. really enjoyed them. e-mail me some of the passages in the bible.

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