Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Day After

We had breakfast with Dave, Janet and Mitch Hawkins - did we need to eat MORE? They are doing well and continue to pray for their son - Blake (and his wife Megan) who is doing his 15 month service in Iraq with 9 months to go.
We visited with Edna - long time neighbor across the street - and wished her a Happy 96th Birthday!! Can you believe it? I've never met anyone older than that! She lives alone - has a caretaker some days - and is doing GREAT!!

Taylor took this picture in front of her house: I kind of like it! :)

We departed Visalia and headed to Merced where we cooked a GREAT Ham dinner and all of the fixings with the kids. We played the Wii and enjoyed the evening. I LOVE this kind of week!! Getting to hang with ALL of the kids is such a GIFT!! Taylor appreciates family and laughs at all of the fooling around that Amy and Andrew come up with. Yes, we feel very fortunate. Coming up on 2 years of marriage next month and there is not a day that passes where we do not Thank God for all of His blessings.

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